Timonel Foundation is a registered Non-profit Corporation with the State of Texas, declared tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Our mission is to provide financial assistance to Spanish speaking Catholic Young Adults. We aim to lessen the financial burden of Spanish speaking Catholic young adults groups. This will allow them more time for their spiritual growth and faith formation.
Since the 1980’s, Spanish speaking Catholic young adults have played an active part in the evangelization of the Hispanic community in Houston. The 80’s generation of young adults leaders fomented the creation of Catholic Spanish speaking young adults groups throughout our archdiocese. They became vivid examples and active participants of a Pastoral Juvenil that helped to unify the efforts of those ministering to Spanish speaking young adults.
Many Catholic young adults groups today concentrate a great amount of time and energy in fundraising activities. Where multiple activities are planned, fundraising efforts increase substantially. Mostly, active group members are those who contribute their time, talent and treasure to support these activities. Historically, many new boards begin their service with zero to limited funds. Thus, strategic financial planning is needed.
Our Foundation aims to lessen the financial burden of Spanish speaking Catholic young adults groups by providing them with financial assistance. This will allow them more time for spiritual growth and faith formation in their efforts to evangelize the young adults in their communities.